Program will arm you with frameworks that will help you grow your career
Hitting the glass ceiling can be career limiting. In the fast maturing IT industry, more and more senior level professionals are hitting the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling not only impacts their career progression but today has become a huge social concern as livelihoods are being lost, adversely impacting families and the larger social eco system.
If you are trying to move to the next level or to a different role and there are competencies that are holding you back, and you don’t seem to be able to overcome them, then you have come to the right place. This program will arm you with models/frameworks/methods that will help you bounce back and sustain/grow your career.
Target Audience
- IT/ITeS Delivery professionals, across functions/roles, with 10+ years of experience
Areas of Focus
Your development program will be woven around the following key competencies:
- Strategic Orientation
- Sales Mindset
- Operations Mindset
- Talent Leadership
- Financial Acumen
- Content & Thought Leadership
- Entrepreneurial Mindset
- A combination of training, mentoring & coaching.
- You will be working with your mentor/coach on a 1:1 basis.
Step 1:Gap Analysis – we use a structured tool to arrive at the gaps in your competencies required vis-à-vis the desired outcome
Step 2: Decide on the Roadmap – Basis the size and kind of gaps, we discuss potential pathways and finalize on one. Agree on the desired outcome, duration, average monthly effort to be spent and engagement commercials ( a combination of retainership and a share of the outcome)
Step 3: Execution – the important thing to realise is that the onus of learning is on you. The coach/mentor is a facilitator on this your journey. You’ll have to get out of your comfort zone. Remember, deep practise is quite frustrating and you’ll be experiencing this for months at a stretch. Sign up for this only if you are up for this, else, it’s waste of everyone’s time
Mode & Duration
- 1:1 Live virtual or in Person
- Duration: Will depend on the gap analysis
- Minimum duration = 3 months
- 1 – 3 interactions per week
Let’s get started
Reach out to us through any of the methods below, and our team will get back to you promptly.