Making Remote Sales Effective

In the pre-pandemic digital era, there was a strong push to execute a large chunk of the sales process remotely. At ground level, this was only achievable by inside sales, as field sales remained reluctant. In the wake of the pandemic, field sales have no other option but to work remotely. It is a double whammy for them: not only do they miss out on in-person meetings with customers and stakeholders, they need to operate in a paradigm that is unfamiliar both psychologically and technologically.

Fundamental questions arise. Since, everyone works remotely, should there be a distinction between field sales and inside sales? What additional value does field sales offer vis-à-vis inside sales? Can inside sales be trained to accomplish what field sales used to do and vice versa? Does marketing have a role in making remote sales more effective?

There is an urgent need to relook at the entire construct of “sales” and come up with a model that works best in the new paradigm.

This programme will delve into the above areas and arrive at the guiding principles and critical success factors that will make remote sales effective and efficient. It will explore the changes required in the sales process, the people & skills requirement and the tools & technology required to implement this change.

Content/Areas of Focus

The development program is woven around the following areas:

  • Understanding the Fundamentals of Sales
  • Rethinking the role and structure of the Sales Organization in the new Normal
    • Overcoming the impediments
    • Arriving at the new Guiding Principles:
      • Flip the Approach – Front heavy rather than back heavy
      • Pull based rather than Push based – chances of success is higher if buyers reach out to the sales team rather than the other way round. Role played by social marketing in driving this change
      • Third party led, if push based
      • Tech/digital savviness of the sales force
  • The Critical Success Factors for the new paradigm
  • Role of Digital/Social Marketing
  • Re engineering the sales process for the new paradigm starting from Targeting to Closure & Contracts
  • The skills required for success and how junior resources could acquire them
  • Tools & Technology that can make the process effective ( effectiveness is a given)
  • Implementation Approach & Change Management – Key Considerations

Key Benefits/Takeaways

  • The need for restructuring the sales organization in the new Normal – converting a problem into an opportunity
  • An approach to make remote sales work
    • Deeper understanding of implementation aspects/issues
    • Critical Success Factors, Risks & Mitigation


  • Case analysis
  • Story Telling
  • Group/Individual assignments
  • Lecture & discussions

Participant Profile

  • B2B Sales Leaders/Managers
  • Line of Business Heads/Leads
  • L & OD leads
  • Consultants & Advisors in the Sales Effectiveness space

Mode & Duration

  • Live Virtual OR in Person (Class room)
  • Duration: 2 variants
    • High Level – 16 hours. This can be covered over 2 – 3 weeks
    • Detailed – 48 hours. This can be covered over 2 – 3 months

Let’s get started

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